
09 Sep 2022

Thermae Palace

Pr Jorge Faber : cas complexes, Mini-vis, SAOS, « Surgery first », « Evidence Based », Aligneurs.

Jorge Faber



Dr. Faber is Professor of Evidence Based Dentistry and Orthodontics at the Dental Post-Graduate Program of the University of Brasilia. He was pioneer in skeletal anchorage, sleep apnea treatment, 3D printing in orthodontics, and surgery first.

He served for 11 years as editor-in-chief of the Journal of the World Federation of Orthodontists and the Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics.

He holds a PhD degree on Biology-Morphology, and a master’s degree in Orthodontics, and is a Diplomate of the Brazilian Board of Orthodontics. Dr. Faber has lectured extensively in many countries and has published over 100 articles in scientific journals.

He also maintains a private practice in Brasilia.

Préparation orthodontique à la restauration prothétique

A missing tooth can offer bold challenges to orthodontic treatment. The treatment plan can include the maintenance of space for rehabilitation by an implant-supported prosthesis. However, in many cases, it might be advantageous to close the space, especially when the gap closure provides superior esthetic results, or when the patient simply does not want to receive implant rehabilitation. Commonly, the use of TADs as anchorage is beneficial to the latter form of treatment.

In some cases, the TAD is - be it a miniplate or a mini-screw - crucial to achieve excellent treatment results, and then, the applied orthodontic mechanics has several specificities.

This conference will tackle the treatment protocol used to close the space of missing teeth with miniplates, as well as the advantages and limitations of this treatment modality.


Comment traiterions nous Vincent Van Gogh? Quand l'intelligence artificielle rencontre l'Art et l'Orthodontie

This lecture focus on the treatment of sleep disordered breathing in adults by the team that includes the orthodontist as an important player. Part of the lecture includes research conducted with partneship with Yale and Stanford Medical Schools.

We accessed whether Vincent Van Gogh suffered from Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSA). Patients with OSA  have an associated risk for cardiovascular events, including arterial hypertension, stroke, and arrhythmias. 

Besides, clinical manifestations are night snoring, headache when patient wakes up, day-time sleepiness and cognitive performance impairment. There is evidence that maxillomandibular advancement (MMA) is the most successful surgical treatment for OSAS. However, MMA through conventional surgical-orthodontic treatment comprises a pre-surgical orthodontic stage, which might not be adequate unless the patient uses a CPAP. A surgery-first approach eliminates orthodontic preparation for orthognathic surgery.

This lecture will cover the diagnosis and MMA treatment planning for OSAS under the light of the 18-year clinical experience with surgery first approach, illustrated with a case series to exemplify and contrast the several pieces of evidence available on the literature.


MARPE* ou PAS MARPE telle est la question

In recent years, mini implant assisted rapid palatal expansions (MARPE) in children have been identified as a treatment alternative to traditional RME. However, not all patients need MARPE, and among those who possibly do, not all accept the placement of mini-implants.

This lecture shows some relevant misinterpretation of results of studies on the subject, which lead to the over-prescription of MARPE.

We will contrast MARPE with the solid alternative of traditional RME. We will present a treatment algorithm to help pediatric patients to breathe better which includes the two techniques of maxillary expansion.


Traitement des CIII, "Surgery First"

Conventional orthodontic-surgical treatments for the correction of dentofacial deformities comprise - after diagnosis and treatment plan - a presurgical orthodontic stage, the orthognathic surgery per se and the orthodontic finishing stage.

This treatment method has also been tested by time. It has been used for decades and proved very effective. However, it has limitations because when patients decide to undergo the treatment, they have to wait for almost a year and a half for the surgery and in most cases, patients see their facial appearance worsen during this period. Surgery

First anticipates the benefits derived from surgery. It does not change the surgical technique but rather the orthodontic treatment, which incorporates skeletal anchorage in most of the cases and requires a
commitment by the orthodontist to achieve the goals established at the beginning of treatment.

This lecture will cover its application for class III correction.


Traitements sans extraction des biproalvéolies grâce aux TAD'S **

Traditional orthodontic therapy of bialveolar dental protrusion (BDP) in adults encompasses extractions in the smile aesthetic zone. This is performed in order to attain the sufficient space required to solve the problem through teeth retraction. Although this might well be considered the best treatment option in several cases, it is actually a paradox.

A considerable number of patients undergo this therapy in the pursue of aesthetic improvements, while extractions end up jeopardizing the beauty of the smile and the face, regardless of the presence of an orthodontic appliance. Extractions aesthetic side effects keep many patients away from orthodontic treatments, especially those people whose aesthetic demands are not compatible with pre-molars or first molars extractions. Nevertheless, a way of avoiding extractions and correcting BDP is the use of TADs to retract both upper and lower teeth simultaneously.

This conference is going to address this treatment protocol


Corrections verticales chez l'adulte grâce aux TAD'S

Skeletal anchorage has expanded the limits of orthodontic treatment. The spectrum of applications includes the vertical correction of dentofacial deformities and malocclusions with TADs.

This lecture will address several clinical applications with long term results, as well as present the advantages and limitations of this approach.


Traitements orthodontiques chez les personnes âgées. Le "Vieux" est 'Nouveaux"

Historically, orthodontic treatment has been entwined with the treatment of children and adolescents. It was only from the moment adults with complete dentition began to emerge that techniques and protocols were developed to care for patients in this age group. A portion of the population that has grown into adults with good dentition 20 years ago has now become elderly as the chances of us humans to reach an advanced age is increasing. Relatively little attention has been devoted to the smile esthetics to old people.

This presentation will focus on a new treatment protocol for elderly patients, based on a clinical trial that we have conducted about this subject.


 * Mini-screw Assisted Rapid Palatal Expansion

 ** Temporary Anchorage Device


La traduction simultanée de l'anglais vers le français sera disponible pour cet évènement.



Vendredi 9 septembre

8h30 – 9h :       accueil

9h – 10h30 :     première conférence

10h30 – 11h :    pause

11h – 12h30 :   seconde conférence

12h30 – 14h :   lunch

14h – 15h30 :   troisième conférence

15h30 – 16h :   pause

16h – 17h30 :   quatrième conférence

Puis : cocktail de bienvenue


Samedi 10 septembre

9h – 10h30 :     première conférence

10h30 – 11h :    pause

11h – 12h30 :   seconde conférence



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TITRECas complexes, Mini-vis, SAOS, « Surgery first », « Evidence Based », Aligneurs ORGANISATEURD6348 AGRÉMENTS22014065 Cat. - Dom.5 UNITÉS60 STATUTvalidée


Prix Early Birds jusqu'au 31.07.2022

Prix si payé après le 31.07.2022


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